is the sole copyright holder of its application, website, and all associated content, including but not limited to videos, images, visuals, animations, questions, and any other literary works found on the RoboMinions App and Website. Our intellectual property rights are protected under the Copyright Act, 1957 and other applicable laws.
Usage Restrictions
- No part of the RoboMinions App or Website may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written permission, except for non-commercial use as permitted by copyright law.
- The RoboMinions App is strictly for educational purposes only and must not be used for any other purpose.
Prohibited Actions & Legal Consequences
- Creating a YouTube channel, social media page, or any other platform based on our App’s content without authorization constitutes copyright infringement. Violators shall be subject to legal action without prior notice.
- Unauthorized use, modification, or commercial exploitation of our intellectual property may lead to appropriate legal proceedings.
Permitted Use & Attribution
- You are encouraged to promote RoboMinions by creating advertisements or promotional videos if you genuinely support our mission.
- Any use of our content must include proper credit, along with a direct link to our official website:
For any inquiries regarding usage rights or permissions, please contact us via chat.